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An immersive polluted underwater Hudson Bay River world with a semi-thriving ecosystem, in which the audience gets a choice as to whether they want to see it polluted or healthy by the use of old-school 3D glasses
Projected in 180-360 degrees under a large Dome, the purpose is to educate its audience on the negative environmental impact humanity creates on oceans and the environments in conjunction with Earth Day
Parsons: Qiyao Lin, Jess Mia, Olivia Yan, Fuad Soudah, Harry Castro, Kristiana Marcon
LCCS: Laila Smith, Charlotte Loughlin, Marielle Noboa, Elena Sherrard, Ella Johnson, Lopez Carla Biot

Trash Trivia is a team-based game that concerns itself with educational trivia questions that provoke insightful thoughts of the beauty of our planet, the living plants and animals that share this space, and the effects of pollution. Players compete in teams of three and use their collective knowledge to attempt to guess one of the answers on the board. Different questions are weighted differently due to difficulty level. We hope to inspire change through mind-blowing trivia answers that cause players to pause and reflect.
Parsons: Bolor Amgalan, Raquel Reynolds
LCCS: Veer Lad, Jeet Lad, Iba Mangassa, Kamali Smith, Richard Paget, Alish McGrath, Pearl Chen

A VR story about John the Farmer who learns about sustainable farming
Parsons: Gingerale Geng
LCCS: Milo Ferrara, Sophia Donath, Jack Malaby, Esme Carson, Aidan Harwood

A field game that tested players recycling skills by shooting trash into bins with corresponding recycling numbers.
LCCS: Owen Meaghers, Evan Henning

University students collaborate to co-create with middle school students to learn about solutions for simulated environmental problems by harnessing the power of Verizon 5G to deliver a multi-player virtual reality distance-learning classroom.
Parsons: Katherine Boehm, Paolo Villanueva, Kristiana Marcon