
I talked briefly before class with Anezka about my developing role in the class, and what I will be doing for Earth Day/Play Tech. We went over how to post in the blog for the remainder of the semester, how this will be utilized for the grant and the importance of the blog itself for the class development. Each group went over a bit of the progress they have made, and what they may need help in doing.

Mary Claire and I started talking towards the end of the class about different types of take aways for the kids/families to receive at the end of the parsons experience. Throughout the week we touched base on working through some of the questions she wanted to ask for her documentary and her story arch. I sent her back some feedback on her interview questions. We also spoke about possible facts to go on bumper stickers or buttons which we found out could be made on the 10th floor.  I sent her a list to look over so that we could collaborate on together on which facts would be both striking/informative/fun. It is a fine line to walk between wanting these take aways to be informative and scary (because the facts are) which promote immediate action, and still family friendly. (I posted the list below my observation to talk about in class if we have time).

Tammy and I spoke a bit after class about my role, and where help was needed. I agreed to make prototypes posters for the events, which will now be done collaboratively with the class.


list from my email with Mary Claire:


  • There are over165 million pieces of plastics floating in NY Harbor

Recycle across America: 

  • Recycling prevents waste from going into oceans – it is proven, when there is a strong recycling culture, there is less litter and less waste going into ocean
  • Americans throw away enough office paper each year to build a 12 foot high wall from Seattle to NY (a new wall every year). RECYCLE 

EPA website:

  • Over 5 TRILLION pieces of plastic currently litter the ocean
  • Plastics in the ocean effect 267 species globally
  • Plastics in the ocean effect 86% of the oceans Sea turtles, 44% of seabirds, and 43% of marine mammals 
  • Bring your own reusable bag when shopping!
  • Carry a reusable water bottle!
  • Say no to straws!
  • Each year 1 million seabirds, 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles will entangle themselves in or ingest plastic pollution
  • Plastic waste makes up between 60 to 80% of total marine debris.
  • 97% of all of Earths Water is in the ocean and seas. 
  • 80% of the Earths surface is water 
  • Typically, bottled water costs 2000 times more than tap water, is actually less safe to drink, and loses taste tests in competition with tap water. 

Ocean Conservatory:

  • According to the Ocean Conservancy, six of the ten top contributors to marine debris are single-use (disposable) plastic products.
  • #OceanOptimism
  • Scientists estimate that more than 8 million metric tons of plastic is entering our ocean every year
  • Plastics pollute not only the surfaces of the sea, sea animals, and beaches, but also the seafloor and ice!
  •  Plastic has been found in 59% of sea birds like albatross and pelicans, in 100% of sea turtle species, and more than 25% of fish sampled from seafood markets around the world.
  • Marine debris isn’t an ocean problem, its a PEOPLE PROBLEM
  • Ocean Plastic Problems begin on Land
  • 275 million metric tons of the worlds waste is plastic waste
  • Join the International Coastal Cleanup on September 15th, 2018!
  • 228,919, 809 pounds of trash have been collected since 1985!
  • 12,160, 724 people have volunteered since 1985 to clean up the ocean!
  • the average person uses 1.6 straws per day
  • if 25,000 people pledge to skip the straw, we could save 5,000,000 straws!

National Geographic:

  • Instead of packing your sandwich and snacks in plastic bags, use reusable containers or cloth sacks instead.
  • Only 1 out of every 6 water bottles we use ends up being recycled.
  • Recycling one plastic bottle can save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 6 hours! 

A lot of these are really depressing, but I think that may be what some people need as a wakeup call/education. But we could make some buttons happy like I’m a plastics warrior! or something like that? 

A cute resource:; I know we’ve talked a lot about plastic straws in class and the harm they can cause to aquatic life, I was thinking we could see if there could be an iPad set up, or a paper where people can take a pledge to fight against using plastic straws or bring their own bags places? is a great resource, but is meant for businesses and restaurants to pledge, not individual people. ( year’s International Coastal Cleanup is Saturday, September 15th, 2018.

Fact websites: from