Jessica Dantas – Homework One

1. What did you learn about we are doing in this studio for the semester? Did anything stand out as something that you like/dislike?

I think for this studio course we will be learning and teaching middle school students from New Jersey about Virtual and Augmented reality. We will be building domes, making games etc. The biggest part of the class (I think) is that it’s a very social and interactive course. Even from class one, we were already working with our hands, talking with our peers, engaging in our designs and conversations and showing what our thinking process is.  I’m excited to be learning about VR/AR because I know almost nothing about it. One thing I’m anxious about is I won’t have any portfolio work out of the course, since I’m so new to what we will be doing.

2. What did you learn about Design Thinking?

So far, design thinking goes beyond solving a problem- it’s about exploring the elements of the process we are in and failing over and over again until a solution arrises. This is simple but mind opening- specially for impatient people like me. Failure is definitely a major part of design thinking and so is asking questions, showing people what we’ve done and accepting feedback.